We are an international team of five enthusiastic students & graduates working in the
upcoming weeks with a collaboration of five organizations*, all focusing on positive
health and wellbeing. These organizations aim to increase the happiness of people
and our overall society, for example by organizing workshops, webinars and other
social activities, especially concerning SDG 3 – health and well-being. Our group has
been tasked with creating a workshop focusing on young people (ages 18 to 30) in
particular. Throughout this workshop, we hope to inform more people about the Inner
Development Goals (IDGs), which is a relatively new framework. The main idea is
that accomplishing the IDGs is crucial for eventually solving SDG-related challenges.
As the name suggests, the IDGs focus on individual growth and awareness based
on five main categories: being, thinking, relating, collaborating, and acting. These
encompass a range of sub-targets aimed at facilitating more specific actions related
to inner development. The five categories are all interconnected and equally
essential for accomplishing the IDGs.
Since it is already week 5 (yes…time flies), we have been working hard on creating a
workshop concept that informs young people about the IDGs and motivates them to
think about its five sub-targets on an individual level. Crucial aspects to consider are
the holistic approach of the IDGs, the creation of an interactive workshop that can
last two hours, and above all, something that can sustain itself on numerous events
and is easy to apply to different settings. Next to creating a workshop, we are also
designing and producing a promotional video to ensure people are visiting the
workshop. Through these different projects, we hope to help our clients spread the
message of their meaningful business concepts as well as awareness of the IDGs.
Our group meets every Tuesday (often via Teams) to check in on our progress.
During the rest of the day, we work together to ensure we meet our set goals for that
specific day. Every two weeks, we also meet with our clients to discuss what we
have come up with and to exchange ideas. Currently, we are focusing on creating a
detailed and clear outline for the workshop. After completing the workshop outline, it
will be time to move on with the promo video. We strive to successfully finish this
project and help our clients with increasing awareness for the IDGs.
Eline, Finn, Karin, Megan and Tesse
* The collaboration consists of the following organizations: GeluksBV, Alles is Gezondheid,
Anders Gezond, Praktijk Salut and the Institute for Positive Health